Sample Questions for the Entrance-Level Exam
The study material for the Entrance-level Examination has been
compiled into one bookletthe "SGI-USA Study Department
Entrance Exam Study Material." The booklet is now available
at SGI-USA bookstores nationwide.
Actual questions for the exam will be based on the sample questions
that follow. The page numbers that appear
in parentheses at the end of each question will direct you to
where the answer can be found in the "SGI-USA Study Department
Entrance Exam Study Material" booklet.
The actual exam questions will be in multiple-choice format,
so this sample test is more difficult than the actual test will
be. Also, of the following questions, only 40 to 50 percent will
appear on the exam, which is expected to consist of 25 to 35 questions.
- The Study Department
Questions 1-17 are from Study Booklet pgs.
25-49 The Life of Nichiren Daishonin
- What was the practice that Nichiren Daishonin proclaimed on
April 28, 1253? (p.26)
- Describe the significance of the Tatsunokuchi Persecution
in terms of Nichiren Daishonin's identity. (pp. 28-29)
- After the attempt to execute Nichiren Daishonin at Tatsunokuchi
proved unsuccessful, he was exiled to a cold and for-bidding
place that he was not expected to return from. What was this
place? (pp.29-30)
- What did the Daishonin teach his disciples in response to
their discouragement over his exile? (pp. 29-30)
- During the Sado Exile, the Daishonin completed the theoretical
foundation of his teachings. What two works written during this
period established the theoretical framework for his inscription
of the object of worship? (p.35)
- Nichiren Daishonin repeatedly stated in his writings that
a Buddha is what? (p.29)
- After What event did Nichiren Daishonin start inscribing the
Gohonzon? (p.34)
- The inscription of "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" and "Nichiren"
on the Gohonzon indicates what principle? (p.35)
- Following a Chinese proverb that says if one's warnings go
unheeded three times by the sovereign, one should leave the
country, the Daishonin retired to Mount Minobu and prepared
for the great task of eternalizmg his Buddhism. Retirement did
not mean a life of leisure for the Daishonin. What three things
did he do at this time? (p.37)
- To foster the faith of the disciples he was training at Mount
Minobu, the Daishonin gave an important series of lectures.
What were these lectures on, and under what name were they set
down ill writing by Nikko Shonin? (p. 38)
- In what way did the behavior of the Daishonin's followers
after the persecutions surrounding Tatsunokuchi and the Sado
Exile differ from their behavior following the Atsuhara Persecution?
- What activity by Nichiren Daishonin's followers caused the
authorities to persecute them? (p.39)
- Who did Nichiren Daishonin name as his legitimate successor?
- Why did five of the six senior priests abandon the Daishonin's
teachings after he died? (p.47)
- What slanderous acts did the five senior priests commit ?
- Why did Nikko Shonin leave Mount Minobu and establish Taiseki-ji
temple at the foot of Mount Fuji? (p.47)
- What was Nikko Shonin's purpose in writing the Twenty-six
Admonitions"? (p.-47-48)
Questions 18-32 are from Study Booklet pgs. 3-9 'On
Attaining Buddhahood'
- How do the Daishonins teachings about the Mystic Law
differ from the views of most other religions (p. 4)
- What does it mean to "perceive the nature of your own
life" (p. 6)
- What is the Daishonin trying to illustrate by using the analogy
of a poor man counting his neighbor's wealth day and night?
(p. 6)
- What attitude will lead us to feel that our practice is an
"endless, painful austerity"? (pp.6-7)
- What constitutes the attitudes of non-Buddhists according
to this letter? (p. 6)
- What does this letter emphasize as a key element in our Buddhist
practice? (p. 7)
- What attitude prevents us from experiencing "great joy"
in our practice? (p. 6)
Questions 25-26 are based on the following passage:
It [the Jomyo Sutra] further states that if the minds of the people
are impure, the land is also impure, but if their minds are pure,
so is their land. There are not two lands, pure or impure in themselves.
The difference lies solely in the good or evil of our minds. (MW-l,
4; WND p. 4)
- What Buddhist principle is illustrated by this passage? (Study
booklet p. 7)
- What does "the good and evil of our minds" mean?
- Where is the Buddha land? (p.7)
- According to Nichiren Daishonin, what beliefs constitute inferior
teachings? (pp. 5-6)
- When would chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo still be considered
practicing provisional teachings? (p. 5)
- The Daishonin teaches us that when chanting to the Gohonzon
we should "summon up deep conviction that (fill
in the blank) (p. 7)
- What action of Buddhist practice does the Daishonin compare
to polishing a mirror (p. 4)
- According to this letter, what is "the direct path to
enlightenment?" (p. 4)
Questions 33 to 41 are based on The SGI-USA Study
Dept. Entrance Exam Study Material booklet, pp. 10-16, 'The Real
Aspect of the Gohonzon.'
Questions 33-36 are based on the following passage:
Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself. The Gohonzon exists
only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace
the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The body is the
palace of the ninth consciousness, the unchanging reality which
reigns over all life's functions.... The Gohonzon is found in
faith alone. As the sutra states, "Only with faith can one
enter Buddhahood.' (MW-l, 213; WND, 832)
- What is Nichiren Daishonin urging us to seek within our own
lives? (Booklet pp.12-13)
- What is the meaning of the passage "The body is the palace
of the ninth consciousness, the unchanging reality which reigns
over all life's functions"? (p.14)
- No one has unwavering faith from the outset. How can we define
faith at the beginning of our practice? (p.15)
- When we chant daimoku to the Gohonzon we experience the interaction
of the four powers. Two of the four powers are l) the power
of the Buddha and 2) the power of the Law. How can we activate
the power of the Buddha and the power of the Law in our own
lives? (p. 13)
- (Deleted)
- Even though doubts are natural and unavoidable, it is important
to strive for doubt-free faith. Instead of worrying or tormenting
ourselves, what should we do when we have feelings of doubt
or insincerity in our practice? (p.15)
- What two actions express faith in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism?
(pp. 15-16)
- What point is the Daishonin trying to teach us in this writing
through the examples of the Emperor of Han and Li Kuang? (p.
- Down the center of the Gohonzon, inscribed in Chinese characters,
are the words "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Nichiren?' What Buddhist
principle does this indicate (include the component parts of
that principle)? (p.12)
Questions 42-54 are from Study Booklet pgs. 17-22 'Happiness
in This World'
- How can we elevate our inner life condition? (Study booklet
- Why does Nichiren Daishonin state that "There is no greater
happiness for human beings than chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo"?
(Study booklet pp.17-18)
- What enables us to experience the "joy derived from the
Law"? (p. 18)
- How is "joy derived from the Law" different from
the "joy derived from desires"? (p. 18)
- Why is attributing the cause of our happiness or unhappiness
to someone else contradictory to the teaching of the Lotus Sutra?
- Practicing with what determination in our Buddhist practice
contributes to the development of our state of life? (pp. 18-19)
- How does the phrase "Happy and at ease" relate to
our lives? (p.19)
- What does it mean to be a Buddha of absolute freedom? (p.19-20)
- What does achieving "peace and security" mean? (p.20)
- What is the Buddhist understanding of "life's hardships"?
(pp. 20-21)
- Why does Nichiren Daishonin tell Shijo Kingo to "strengthen
your faith more than ever'? (p.22)
- What is the meaning of Nichiren Daishonins advice to
Shijo Kingo to "just chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and when
you drink sake, stay at home with your wife"? (p.21)
- What is the purpose of our practice of faith? (p.17)
and Answers on the Temple Issue
Questions 55-66 are from Study Booklet pgs. 53-60,
'Questions and Answers on the Temple Issue'
- What is it about the nature of Buddhism that challenges those
interested in passivity and unquestioning obedience from believers?
(Study booklet p.53)
- What passage from the Lotus Sutra regarding persecutions applies
directly to the SGI? (p.53)
- How does Buddhism characterize opposition by authority? (p.54)
- What is the meaning of obstacles to our Buddhist movement?
(p. 54)
- What does opposition from the priesthood mean to the SGI?
(p. 55)
Questions 60-62 are based on the booklet section:
"Why is it important to know about the temple issue?"
- How can we benefit by understanding the temple issue? (p.55)
- What is meant by "correct faith"? (p.56)
- In terms of the future, why is it important to understand
the temple issue? (p.55)
Questions 63-66 are based on the booklet section:
"What is the real difference between the temple and the SGI?"
- What is Nichiren Shoshu's position on the equality between
lay members and priests? (Study booklet pp.57-58)
- How does Nichiren Shoshu's view of the Gohonzon contradict
Nichiren Daishonin's view? (p.58)
- Nichiren Daishonin clearly states what it means to receive
the heritage or lifeblood of faith. How is Nichiren Shoshu's
view different from the view of the Daishonin? (pp. 58-59)
- How does Nichiren Shoshu and the SGI differ in action and
commitment to kosen-rufu? (pp.59-60)
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