Sample Questions for the Intermediate-Level Exam
Actual questions for the exam will be based on the sample
questions that follow. These sample questions are provided
for the benefit of lecturers, exam proctors and those who
will be taking the exam. The page numbers that appear
in parentheses at the end of each question will direct you
to where the answer can be found. Some answers
can be found here.
Source: July 9. World Tribune
Part One
on the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span"
chapters of the Lotus Sutra (Volumes 2 and 3)
- What is the significance of Shakyamuni revealing that
he first attained enlightenment in the remote past rather
than in India in his lifetime? (vol. 2, pp 7-8)
- Describe the Bodhisattvas of the Earth (vol. 2, p 15)
- What is the significance of adding Nam to the
title of the Lotus Sutra? (vol. 2, pp 25-26)
- What is the meaning of the phrase "At that time"
which begins the Life Span chapter? (vol. 2, pp 26-27)
- Why is the interpretation of Thus Come One's secret
and transcendental powers important from the viewpoint
of the Daishonin's Buddhism? (vol. 2, pp 34-35)
- What is the meaning of "time without beginning"
(kuon ganjo) from the viewpoint of Nichiren Daishonin's
Buddhism? (vol. 2, p 49)
- Explain the phrase "casting off the transient and
revealing the true" in terms of Nichiren Daishonin's
example. (vol. 2, pp 55-57)
- What is the true intention of the "Life Span"
chapter? (vol. 3, p 7)
- What does the doctrine of the true cause and true effect
state? (vol. 3, pp 10-11)
- Why did Shakyamuni "enter extinction"? (vol.
3, pp 26-28)
- How is the principle of mentor and disciple revealed
in the "Life Span" chapter? (vol. 3, pp 29,
- What is the purpose and meaning of the Jigage,
or verse section, of the "Life Span" chapter?
(vol. 3, pp 84-93)
- What does Nichiren Daishonin state that the Jigage
represents? (vol. 3, p. 85)
- What are the three enlightened properties or bodies?
(vol. 3, pp 97-102, 127)
- What are the three treasures that lead people to happiness?
(vol. 3, p 152)
- In the phrase "single-mindedly desiring to see
the Buddha, not hesitating even if it costs them their
lives," what does "not hesitating even if it
costs them their lives" mean? (vol. 3, pp 121-22)
- What does the phrase "single-mindedly desiring to see
the Buddha" in the Previous Questionmean? (vol. 3, p 126)
- How is the SGI "constantly making many kinds of
music?" (vol. 3, pp 108-09)
- What does the passage "I am always here preaching
the Law" mean? (vol. 3, pp 108-09)
- What is the Buddha's constant thought or vow? (vol.
3, pp 176-82)
Part Two
Opening of the Eyes" (1) from Learning
from the Gosho: The Eternal Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin
- In "The Opening of the Eyes," Nichiren Daishonin
proclaims: "I, Nichiren, am the richest man in all
of present-day Japan." The next sentence in this
passage suggests that the Daishonin developed this rich
inner state, which President Toda described as "invincible"
and "free from fear" because he had done what?
(p. 49)
- Shijo Kingo received "The Opening of the Eyes"
on behalf of whom? (p. 50)
- What did the Daishonin wish to convey to his followers
in "The Opening of the Eyes"? (p. 50)
- What is the meaning of the title, "The Opening
of the Eyes"? (p. 50)
- In this writing, what does the Daishonin declare himself
to be? (p. 50)
- Through the Nirvana Sutra, the Daishonin points out
that even a "good" Buddhist practitioner becomes
"an enemy of Buddhism from within" if he or
she sees someone destroying Buddhism and fails to do what?
(p. 51)
- How does Chang-an describe someone who befriends another
person but lacks the mercy to correct him or her? (p.
- According to Chang-an, what does a true disciple of
the Buddha do upon seeing someone who is destroying Buddhism?
(p. 51)
- How does Chang-an describe someone who eliminates evil
from a destroyer of Buddhism? (p. 51)
- How does Chang-an describe those who fail to reproach
someone who destroys or brings confusion to Buddhism?
(p. 51)
- How did the Daishonin's followers react to the persecution
that befell them during the Daishonin's exile to Sado
Island? (p. 52)
- At the end of "The Opening of the Eyes", the
Daishonin addresses the confusion of many followers by
posing the question: In propagating this teaching, what
merit does it bring, what can you gain, if you arouse
the enmity of those around you? How does the Daishonin
answer this question? (p. 52)
- Why is it necessary to reproach someone who tries to
subvert Buddhism? (p. 53)
- What is the ultimate benefit of reproaching the destroyers
of Buddhism? (p. 53)
- What results does taking action in Buddhism yield? (p.
- What was the source of the Daishonin's strength that
enabled him to triumph over government persecution? (p.
- With what intention did Shakyamuni, Taho, and the various
Buddhas from the ten directions gather in one place in
the eleventh chapter of the Lotus Sutra? (p. 55)
- According to the Daishonin, which Buddhist priest "would
tightly shut the gates to the Lotus Sutra in the Latter
Day of the Law so that no one would have access to it"?
(p. 54)
- According to President Toda, how is it that the Daishonin
could accept the persecutions of the three powerful enemies?
(p. 56)
- Had the Daishonin not spoken out and proclaimed the
correct Buddhist teaching for the Latter Day of the Law,
he may have led a peaceful life, but what, in his own
words, would he have been lacking? (p. 57)
Part Three
Opening of the Eyes" (2) from Learning
From the Gosho: The Eternal Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin
(page numbers in parentheses are from the book, followed
by the pate number where the chapter appeared in the March
1998 issue of Living Buddhism)
- What was the Daishonin's purpose in writing "The
Opening of the Eyes"? (p. 61) (LB pp. 6-7)
- Who perfectly possesses all three virtues of sovereign,
teacher and parent? (p. 62) (LB p. 7)
- What is the virtue of sovereign in modern terms? (p.
61) (LB p. 7)
- What is the virtue of teacher in modern terms? (p. 61)
(LB p. 7)
- What is the virtue of parent in modern terms? (p. 61)
(LB p. 7)
- Which chapter of the Lotus Sutra explains the three
virtues of the essential teaching? (p. 61) (LB p. 7)
- Which virtue does the phrase "This, my land, remains
safe and tranquil" refer to? (pp. 61-62) (LB p. 7)
- Which virtue does the phrase, "Constantly I have
preached the Law, teaching, converting" refer to?
(p. 62) (LB p. 7)
- Which virtue does the phrase "I am the father of
this world" refer to? (p. 62) (LB p. 7)
- Explain the relationship between the three virtues and
the SGI's movement of peace, culture and education. (pp.
63-64) (LB p. 8)
- What does Nichiren Daishonin say about the followers
of the Tendai school in "The Opening of the Eyes"?
(p. 64) (LB p. 8)
- The first president of the Soka Gakkai, Tsunesaburo
Makiguchi, said that, "Of all the Nichiren schools
existing today, Nichiren Shoshu most closely resembles
the Tendai school of the Daishonin's time." Why is
this so? (p. 64) (LB p. 8)
- How was Shakyamuni Buddha regarded by the followers
of non-Buddhist teachings? ? (p. 65) (LB p. 8)
- Those people who thought they were only criticizing
T'ien-t'ai and Dengyo were in fact doing what? ? (p. 66)
(LB p. 9)
- What does the Daishonin say about being "praised
by fools"? (p. 66) (LB p. 9)
- President Ikeda says that we should conduct ourselves
in such a manner that we win the praise of who? (p. 68)
(LB p. 9)
- What characterizes the saha world? (p. 69) (LB
- T'ien-t'ai states that the method of propagating Buddhism
"should be that which accords with the time."
What is it that does not change with the time? (pp. 68-69)
(LB p. 10)
- What does the Daishonin say of those who propagate the
Mystic Law in the Latter Day of the Law? (p. 70) (LB p.
- How does the Daishonin conclude "The Opening of
the Eyes"? (p. 70) (LB p. 10)
Part Four
and Answers on the Temple Issue Pamphlet
- A passage in the Lotus Sutra reads, "And since
hatred and jealousy toward this sutra abound even when
the Thus Come One is in the world, how much more will
this be so after his passing?" (LS10, 164) How does
this passage apply to the Soka Gakkai's situation? (p.
- The Daishonin states: "If you propagate it, devils
will arise without fail. Were it not for these, there
would be no way of knowing that this is the true teaching"
(MW-1, 145), and "When I examine these passages,
I know that if I do not call forth these three enemies
of the Lotus Sutra, then I will not be a true votary of
the LS. Only by making them appear can I be a true votary."
(MW-4, 20) What do these statements indicate? (pp. 5-6)
- In late 1990, it became clear that the priesthood of
Nichiren Shoshu had been conspiring either to take control
of or disband the SGI organization. What was the name
of their plan? (p. 7)
- What was the Soka Gakkai's response to the priesthood's
initial nine questions accusing President Ikeda and the
Soka Gakkai of misdeeds? (pp. 7-8)
- What action does Nichiren Daishonin state believers
should take at "a time when truth and error"
in Buddhism "stand shoulder to shoulder"? (p.
- By developing our understanding and conviction about
the temple issue, what insights can we gain into fundamental
issues affecting humanity? (p. 10)
- Name two of the ten ways in which Nikken has acted counter
to the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. (pp.
- Nichiren Daishonin states: "There should be no
discrimination among those who propagate the five characters
of Myoho-renge-kyo in the Latter Day of the Law, be they
men or women." In contrast to this, what did Nichijun
Fujimoto, Nichiren Shoshu's chief administrator, state
in a letter to the SGI in January 1991? (p. 13)
- Nichiren Daishonin states: "Never seek this Gohonzon
outside yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the
mortal flesh of us ordinary people who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."
In contrast to this, what does the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood
assert? (p. 14)
- The Daishonin states: "Only I, Nichiren, at first
chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and
a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Likewise,
propagation will unfold this way in the future."
(MW-1, 93). When Soka Gakkai first and second presidents
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda first encountered
NS, it was a tiny and impoverished Buddhist denomination.
Nevertheless, what did Makiguchi and Toda do to realize
the Daishonin's prediction? (p. 17)
- Presidents Makiguchi and Toda refused to follow the
high priest's instructions to incorporate worship of a
Shinto amulet into Soka Gakkai members' practice, basing
themselves on article 17 of the "Twenty-six Admonitions
of Nikko Shonin." What does this article state? (p.
- What is the significance of the SGI's decision to issue
the Gohonzon? (p. 20)
- Nichiren Shoshu has called the Gohonzon issued by the
SGI counterfeit and unable to lead to benefit because
it claims that it has not been authorized by the high
priest through the "eye opening ceremony." In
contrast, what was Nichiren Daishonin's view of the "eye
opening ceremony?" (p. 22)
- Refuting what is erroneous and unjust in terms of the
Buddhist Law is a profound good cause. SGI members have
returned their Gohonzon transcribed by Nikken in exchange
for the Gohonzon transcribed by 26th High Priest
Nichikan issued by the SGI. What erroneous teaching of
Nikken's concerning the Gohonzon are SGI members refuting
by praying to the Nichikan-transcribed Gohonzon and showing
actual proof of benefit and growth? (p. 24)
- Based on his writings and in light of his experience
in Kamakura, how would Nichiren Shoshu view false and
malicious reporting on the Soka Gakkai by segments of
the Japanese mass media? (pp. 27-28)
- In his letter, "On Practicing the Buddha's Teachings"
the Daishonin states, "From the very day you take
faith in this teaching, you should be fully prepared to
face the three kinds of persecutions" (MW-1, 99).
According to the text, how should we view criticism and
attack by entrenched authority? (pp. 27-28)
- Why should the SGI not agree to meet with the priesthood
under their stated conditions? (pp. 29-30)
- Nichiren Daishonin writes: "It is important to
speak with even greater conviction to those who slander
[the Mystic Law]" (Gosho Zenshu, p. 1123)
We should therefore speak about the reality of the temple
issue with conviction and compassion. What traits should
we employ when talking to temple members or others? (p.
- What is the Soka Renaissance a struggle against? (p.
- What can we hope to gain through dialogue about the
temple issue? (p. 34)
Part Five
"An Explanation
of Nikko Shonin's Twenty-six Admonitions" by SGI
President Ikeda
(Page references are from the April 1998 issue of Living
- What was Nikko Shonin's primary motivation for writing
the Twenty-six Admonitions? (pp. 16, 21)
- What is the original spirit of Nichiren Daishonin's
Buddhism? (p. 16)
- How do Nikken and the priesthood interpret article #1,
which states, "The doctrines of the Fuji school must
not differ in the least from the teachings of the late
master"? (p. 17)
- What is the similarity between the five senior priests
of the Daishonin's time and Nikken? (p. 17)
- What was fifty-ninth High Priest Nichiko's major contribution?
(p. 17)
- Why are the priests of Nichiren Shoshu like "parasites
in the lion's body" of the Daishonin's Buddhism?
(p. 18)
- The essential spirit of Nikko Shonin is to treasure
and base oneself on what? (pp. 17-18)
- According to Nikko Shonin, how should we regard and
treat capable practitioners who are our juniors in terms
of position or length of practice? (pp. 19, 22)
- According to the verse section of the sixteenth chapter
of the LS, what is the Buddha's constant thought? (p.
- In contrast to the priesthood, how has the SGI fulfilled
the thirteenth admonition, "Until kosen-rufu is achieved,
propagate the Law to the full extent of your ability without
begrudging your life"? (p. 21)
- What does Nikko Shonin state in article #17 that makes
it clear that he did not consider the high priest infallible?
(p. 23)
- In the spirit of article #17, what did President Makiguchi
refuse to do upon being summoned to the head temple in
June 1943? (p. 23)
- Fundamentally, what about the behavior of High Priest
Nikken caused the SGI to refuse to follow him? (p. 23)
- Why does Nikko Shonin tell us not to "accept offerings
from slanderers of the Law" in article #22? (p. 25)
- How is the SGI following article #16, "Even though
they may be lowly, you should deeply respect and regard
as your teachers those whose understanding of Buddhism
surpasses your own"? (pp. 21-23)
- How did Nikko Shonin view a high priest who deviated
from the principle of sexual abstinence? (p. 26)
- How did Nikko Shonin view those who violate even one
of these admonitions? (pp. 16, 27)
- What actions by the SGI and the successive presidents
have protected kosen-rufu and kept Nichiren Daishonin's
Buddhism alive? (pp. 23-24, 25, 27)
- Who does the phrase "skilled in difficult debate"
originally refer to in article #26? (p. 27)
- According to the example cited in the text, who did
Nichiren Daishonin appoint to represent him in a debate
with a scholar of what sect? (p. 27)
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