Questions and Answers on the Temple Issue
A Pamphlet Published by the Soka
Gakkai International-USA, 1997.
- A general introduction to the temple issue is "An Overview
of Priesthood Issue" (Seikyo Times, March 1992,
Pp. 26-35).
- Issues Between the Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood and the Soka
Gakkai, vol. 1 -5, (1991 - 1992) provides a thorough background
of the temple issue; especially, volume 5, a translation of
"The Soka Gakkai's Request for the Resignation of Nikken
Abe As Nichiren Shoshu High Priest" presents a comprehensive
view of the issue.
- The internal condition of the priesthood is explained in Voices
of Protest: Priests Speak Outfo the Reformation of Nichiren
Shoshu (1993).
- Daisaku Ikeda's Selected Speeches: On the Basics of Buddhism
(1993 ) Provides various discussions on the "eye-opening"
ceremony, the meaning of the Gohonzon and the formality of gongyo.
- Reaffirming Our Right to Happiness: On the Gohonzon Transcribed
by High Priest Nichikan (1996) is a reference issued by
the SGI, that provides a point-by-point refutation of the priesthood's
allegations about the Gohonzon as well as the history surrounding
its issuance.
- Masahiro Kobayashi's "On the Transrmission of the Heritage
of the Law" (Seikyo Times, December 1992, Pp. 26-
39) highlights the historical facts that disprove the infallibility
of the high priest and sheds light on the often-elusive concept
of the "heritage of the Law."
- Detailed accounts of the priesthood's behavior during World
War II - including the priesthood's acceptance of Shinto talisman
- can be found in "Demand for the Priesthood's Immediate
Apology for Its Support of War" (Seikyo Times, October
1992, pp. 20-29).
- Also, please refer to Josei Toda's "History and Conviction
of the Soka Gakkai" (SGI-USA Study Program Entrance-Level
Textbook, pp. 105-120; Seikyo Times June