Great Evil and Great Good
It is not certain
whether this letter is a self-contained statement or a fragment of a longer
piece. Neither its date nor its recipient is known. According to one opinion,
Nichiren Daishonin wrote it in the second month of 1275. Judging from the
content, it was probably sent to some of the Daishonin's believers who were
facing difficulty on account of their faith.
Brief as it is, this letter clearly conveys the Daishonin's unwavering
conviction and courage in the face of opposition. With the assurance, "When
great evil occurs, great good will follow," he encourages his followers not
to bewail the hardships they must encounter in upholding and propagating their
faith. Rather, they should regard the hostility they face as an omen of great
good, that is, the eventual spread of the True Law. He urges them to rejoice
like Shakyamuni Buddha's disciples Mahakashyapa and Shariputra, who danced for
joy when they heard the Buddha's teaching of universal enlightenment at the
ceremony of the Lotus Sutra and realized that they, too, could become Buddhas.
Bodhisattva Jogyo springing forth from beneath the earth and the ground
trembling in six directions on Bodhisattva Fugen's arrival may also be said to
represent the great joy accompanying the task of propagating the True Law.
Designed by Will Kallander