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Letter to Endo Saemon-no-jo


On the eighth day of the third month in the eleventh year of Bun'ei (1274), a government envoy arrived at Sado Island with a pardon for Nichiren Daishonin. So ended more than two years of exile, a period during which the Daishonin wrote several of his most important Gosho and laid the doctrinal foundation for inscribing the object of worship for attaining Buddhahood, to be bestowed on all humanity.

The Daishonin and his party left Sado on the thirteenth day of the third month. He wrote this letter to Endo Saemon-no-jo on the day immediately preceding his departure. Little is known about Endo Saemon-no-jo, though he appears to have been a samurai, and, according to one opinion, was a relative of Abutsu-bo. This is the only extant letter addressed to him. in this sense, he may be said to represent the many courageous followers of the Daishonin whose names have not come down to us.

Though extremely brief, this letter vividly conveys the Daishonin's gratitude for Endo's assistance during his exile. He also warmly assures Endo that his devotion in faith will guarantee his future happiness.

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