Buddhist Study on the Go
After receiving
a Palm Pilot as a gift, I converted a few of the materials
(formerly) hosted here on gosho.net (aka nichiren.info) to make them available for the PalmOS
platform. This is yet another case of "something I found useful, which I
am happy to share." Additional contributions are welcome, please
let me know if I've
neglected something that you would like to see as well...
The Lotus Sutra
[Translated by
Burton Watson]
(278 Kb)
- This file requires
the use of DOC Reader software installed on the Palm Pilot. Such software
may be downloaded from MemoWare.
I personally use TealDoc, a product of Teal
Point Software.
- The Writings of Nichiren
Daishonin (1332 Kb)
- This file contains a version of the
Writings of Nichiren Daishonin donated by Michael Swanson, which has been marked with
page endings like the word files provided by the San Francisco Research Group. He has also
provided a PDF format file for those using mobile PDF ebook software.
- This file requires
the use of DOC Reader software installed on the Palm Pilot. Such software
may be downloaded from MemoWare or
- The Major Writings of Nichiren
Daishonin (1608 Kb)
- This file contains the
Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin "Gosho Word File" provided by the San Francisco Research Group,
which was compiled from files from this site along with later editions of volumes
2 and 3. Please note that this is NOT the Writings of Nichiren
Daishonin, which is the more recently updated version.
- This file requires
the use of DOC Reader software installed on the Palm Pilot. Such software
may be downloaded from MemoWare.
I personally use TealDoc, a product of Teal
Point Software.
- The Dictionary of
Buddhist Terms and Concepts (634 Kb)
- This is the OLD
VERSION - the new Dictionary published by SGI-USA has not (to the best of
my knowledge) yet become digitally available.
- This file requires
the use of DOC Reader software installed on the Palm Pliot. Such software
may be downloaded from MemoWare.
I personally use TealDoc, a product of Teal
Point Software.
- The Liturgy
of Nichiren Daishonin (12 Kb)
- File contributed by George Jeffus (please correct me
if am wrong). Please note that this is the OLD VERSION that
includes part B, no updated version yet exists, but I might be persuaded
to edit it if necessary.
- This file requires
the use of DOC Reader software installed on the Palm Pilot. Such software
may be downloaded from MemoWare.
I personally use TealDoc, a product of Teal
Point Software.
- There is also an Avantgo channel
contributed by Andrew Templeman if that's preferable, though I do not
use Avango, so I cannot speak to its continued availability.
- Daily
Encouragement by SGI President Ikeda (150 Kb)
- Requires included
PalmMOD program installation as well. Simply select all prc and pdb files
(after unpacking the downloadable Zip file) for
Palm Desktop installation.
- To use, select the
"PalmMOD" application.
Please Note: For ease of
download, these files have been compressed in ZIP format, requiring the use
of WinZip or other zip-compatible extraction
utility before installing using the Palm Desktop software.
This web site is not affiliated with nor
sanctioned by any organization affiliated with Soka Gakkai
International. Only Will Kallander is responsible for content of
this site, and any questions, comments, or suggestions should be sent directly
to him.
Any reports of typos or other
errors are greatly appreciated. See the credits
for contributors.
Copyrighted material is available here pursuant
to Title 17 of the United
States Code, Section 107, educational purposes only.

by Will Kallander